There are various types of headaches, and they all cause discomfort in people’s lives. Among all, cluster headaches can cause the most severe pain you can imagine. You can have the knowledge of this therapy by enrolling in 3 Days Massage Courses.
Massage therapists learn at 3 days Massage Courses concentrate on the 24 major points, which include the head, face, neck, and hands. Thumbs and fingers are used to relieve congestion in the area. The pain is relieved by performing a circulation massage on the two sides of the head. This can increase blood flow in that area and increase the level of serotonin, a pain-relieving hormone.
It is so irritating that people are unable to focus on their duties and perform better. It also causes sleeplessness, agitation, swelling of one eye, facial sweating, nasal congestion, and other symptoms. Chronic pain in one area of the head, particularly around one eye, can cause the worst nightmares. Massage therapy can be extremely effective in relieving chronic pain. Join Body Sense Massage School’s massage courses in Brisbane to learn Cluster Headaches and Migraine Pressure Point massage.
Massage induces deep relaxation, and because cluster headaches are the most painful, trigger therapy is used in the neck, facial areas, and head. The main cause of cluster headache is increased sensitivity in the trigeminal nerve, which is located behind the eye. Trigger point therapy can improve blood flow in the nerve and alleviate headaches.
Aside from trigger therapy, deep tissue massage can also be used to help people suffering from chronic headaches. Deep tissue massage can help relieve cluster headache pain because it penetrates the deeper layers of the muscles and tissues.