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Diploma In Massage Professional course This diploma is made up of 7 advanced modules, and we are certain that it is the most complete massage short course in the industry. It is the Body Sense Massage School Diploma. Our Body Sense Massage School® is a registered trademark in IP Australia, and we offer our own branded and certified massage courses. This course was created by Mr. Kevin Salimi, an experienced and qualified therapist and trainer with over 22 years of experience in both massage practice and therapist training. The journey of 22 years is a journey that is full of stories. It's possible that you may believe that the course is a 3-day long and become overwhelmed! Ask Kevin. He expresses a big, fat 'NO'! Delivering our own courses is something we know how to do. Kevin's teaching style and attitude make our class fun and enjoyable, and we promise that you will love it. We will miss our time together.

What you will learn at Diploma In Massage Professional / 7 modules (Kevin’s Unique Course) :Course Modules

The therapist will receive a Diploma in Massage Professional upon completion of this amazing course, which will make them qualified in this course. This course is well-balanced between its theoretical and practical aspects. Both theoretical and practical aspects of the 7 modules will be highlighted on the back of the diploma, and a brief summary will be provided on the front side. The therapist is capable of practicing the modules of this diploma. Our graduates will be supported in obtaining therapist membership and insurance (public liability, professional indemnity, product liability insurance) to operate their massage business with confidence and professionalism. A lot of amazing marketing tips will also be given. We will provide ongoing support, which is the most important aspect. If you need any help directly after the course, you can always reach out to Kevin's mobile. If you have any questions or doubts about this course, please reach out to Kevin directly at:

Whole Body Massage – Relaxation

  • Combined Swedish massage, lomi lomi massages for both front and back of the body
    Neck, Shoulder, Back
    Buttock, Back and front of Thigh & Legs,
    Back and front of the Arm, Forearm, Hands,
    Chest, Abdominal area
  • Head and facial massages
  • Feet massages
  • Basic therapeutic treatment techniques for; Sciatica problem, Stiff hamstrings, Runners & jogger’s issues
  • Professional draping for both back and front of the body
  • How to assess the patient and make the right treatment plan according to the patient’s medical conditions.
  • Understanding of contraindications for massage therapy – DON’TS & DOS; High & low blood pressure, infection, tumours, embolism, varicose veins, OP, arthritis, heart & lung conditions, asthma, cancer, Parkinson, burn, recent injuries, bruises, pregnancy, oedema, fever, spinal injuries, skin disease.
  • Endangerment’s areas in the human body / with some case studies
  • Hygiene and Safety for both clinic and therapist / and infection prevention
  • OH&S in massage therapy
  • 16 major muscles and spine anatomy
  • Therapist posture according to massage therapy practicing

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Advanced Trigger Point Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage

Trigger Point Massage Therapy was founded in 1942 by Dr. Jannet Travel, private physician of American president John F. Kennedy in order to help the president get a longer presidential career. There are lots of similarities between Chinese Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy. Trigger point causes the pain and discomfort in any specific part of the body and results in the patient’s complaint. The pain refers to other muscle/s and bringing in muscle disturbances for one muscle or even elsewhere in the body. Through this therapy session, the students learn about the trigger point massage that activates the muscles and releases the knots and tensions, helping the patients to be energetic and more flexible. Strenuous workout or inactive lifestyle might lead to pain in different parts of the body, which can only be resolved with the trigger massage.

The classes are divided into practical and short theoretical session, where the students can gain knowledge of the essential theory in Trigger Point as well as a professional practical training to practice the techniques on the patients. The theoretical training covers types, causes, symptoms & management of the pain, contraindications, and the practical training program covers Trigger Point therapy (TrP) and Neuro Muscular Technique (NMT), Deep tissue massage, and Treatment massage. Throughout the session, the candidates learn using their elbow, forearm, fists, palms, knuckles, and thumbs to apply the pressure in the areas that are causing discomfort. The pressure reaches the deeper layers of the muscles, releasing the pain and activating the muscles. Certificates are bestowed to the pursuers right after the completion of the training program and can practice in this field.

Trigger Point Therapy – What Will You Learn from this Course?

Theory Session

  1. Trigger Point Therapy (TrP) & deep tissue massage
  2. Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy
  3. Contraindications for Trigger Point Therapy
  4. Types & causes of Trigger Points
  5. Symptoms of Trigger Points
  6. Key questions need to be asked the patient for gaining more feedback
  7. 30+ major muscles in basic body anatomy plus spine anatomy
  8. Management of TrP pain syndromes
  9. Neuromuscular Techniques (NMT)/ Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy
    (TrP) for major muscles
  10. Deep tissue massage. Treatment of most of the major muscle
    problems, knee and leg pains, foot pain, Ankle pain, hand and arm
    problems (E.g. Tennis elbow, and etc.), headaches, neck and shoulder
    pains and stiffness, sciatica problems, back and lower back pain, sports injuries (E.g. ITB for swimmers, runners common injuries, tennis elbow and etc.), along with the longtime pains in the body. All via Trigger Point Therapy treatment techniques.

Session 1/ NMT/ Trigger Point Therapy

A. Neuro Muscular Technique (NMT) for neck:

  • Trapezius
  • Lavator Scapulae

B. NMT for shoulder gridle:

  • Rhomboids major & minor
  • Serratus anterior
  • Teres major & minor
  • subscapularis
  • Supraspinatus
  • Infraspinatus
  • Deltoid

C. NMT for back

  • Erector spinae
  • Quadrates Lumburoum (QL)

D. NMT for buttock

  • Gluteal muscles
  • Piriformis

E. NMT for chest

  • Pectoralis major and minor

F. NMT for front and back of arm and forearm

  • Biceps Brachii
  • Triceps Brachii
  • Brachioradialis
  • Common extensors
  • Common flexors

G. NMT for front and back of thigh

  • Rectus Femoris
  • Tensor Facia Latae (TFL)
  • Iliotibial Band (ITB)
  • Vastus Latralias & Medialis
  • Hamstrings

H. NMT for the leg

  • Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Proneus (Longus, Brevis, Tertius), Tibialis anterior

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Advance Sport Massage Therapy

  • Sport Massage therapy with the oil along with the 34 passive and active stretching techniques for 17 major muscles in the body, plus essential points in sports massage therapy (Types of sports massage, Usage of fomentation and endangerments areas, Contraindications for fomentation, Benefits of fomentation, Usage of cryotherapy, Contraindications for cryotherapy, Benefits of cryotherapy, Endangerments areas & cryotherapy, Most common injuries & Contusions) You will also learn advance Trigger Point for 6 more major muscles.

Constipation Abdominal Massage & Pressure Points

Constipation and abdominal massage for constipation, pressure points for constipation treatment, Preparation of patient for the abdominal massage by working on the lymphatic areas, Abdominal massage for constipation, Contraindications for constipation massage, causes of constipation, and management of constipation.

Advanced Pressure Points for

  • Cluster headaches, migraine, stress, depression, digestive system problems, respiratory problems, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, sinuses, eye fatigue, allergies, skin freshness, earache, and memory enhancement along with the contraindications for pressure points.

Compression Techniques / Soft Tissue Therapy

  • Usage of stripping and compression techniques for neuromuscular approaches

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Massage Business & Knowledge & Ethics

Start Your Business With Confidence;

Massage Business and essential points such as, Super Strong business tips with the most affordable and easiest ways for running a shop, mobile massage services, home-based, shopping town businesses, along with making client base, as well as entering to the industry workplaces with strong & amazing tips, knowledge of the Australian massage industry, setting up the business, qualifications, code of ethics, management of clinic, right investment, competitors, comparison between your services and your nearby colleagues, advertising, trading, tax, etc.)

We will supply you amazing business and marketing tips for marketing your preferred style of massage business, client based and reputation:

Amazing tips to start;

  • Mobile massages professionally
  • Massage home based business
  • Function massages
  • Corporate massages
  • Sports event massages
  • Shopping center massages in the most affordable way and easy to set up
  • Massage clinic
  • Tips for entering into the gym & fitness industry
  • Etc.