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International Massage Competitions

International Massage Competitions


World Massage Federation (WMF) is an approved global body that located in Greece, one of the members of the European Union. WMF expand massage therapy globally by organising the educational seminars, camp and international massage competitions in different countries. The recent international competitions held by WMF in Turkey, Armenia and Greece. WMF, also, converts the massage certificates to the globally recognised certificates. Mr. Kaveh Salimi (Kevin) is the member of the administration board of the World Massage Federation (WMF).

Globally Recognized Certificate

  1. The Body Sense Massage School (BSMS) is represented by Mr. Kevin Salimi is also the ExclusiveOfficial Representative of the World Massage Federation (WMF) for Australia and New Zealand since 2015. The BSMS can supply WMF Diplomas and Certificates to other educational institutes and professionals that deal with massage that are located in Australia and New Zealand. WMF diplomas and certificates recognized globally.
  1. When you convert your Australian massage certificate to our globally recognised certificate, we register you with the World Massage Federation (WMF). You can visit the World Massage Federation website: comand search your name in the “CERTIFIED THERAPIST” and you can track your registered detail.
  1. The WMF Diplomas and Certificates recognized by thecourt decision of a European Union country. When you get your globally recognized certificate from us, another certificate (Analytical Letter) accompanies the certificate. It bears information about the student and the course, brief transcript, as well as the number of the court decision (decision of a Court in a country which is a member of the European Union), which makes it legit. We give it separately.

International Massage Competitions

The reason why the Globally Recognized Massage Certificates and the opportunity to join the International Massage Competitions are exclusively available at the Body Sense Massage School is due to their affiliation with Kevin Salimi, a board member of the Administration Committee of the World Massage Federation (WMF).
On May 26, 2023, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) declared its collaboration with the World Massage Federation (WMF) through a formal letter.
International Massage Competitions 1
World Massage Championship
Kevin Salimi’s involvement in the WMF and his plans to organize international massage competitions in Australia make the Body Sense Massage School a prime location for these opportunities.
The WMF has already successfully organized massage competitions in various countries such as Armenia, Greece, Turkey, Bosnia, Italy, and Holland, showcasing their experience and capability in hosting such events. The upcoming open massage championship will be held in Germany on 8-10 September.
International Massage Competitions 2

The participants from eighteen countries across the Middle East, Asia, and Europe will join the upcoming competitions.
This international representation further solidifies the school’s reputation and credibility within the industry.
As a result, graduates of the Body Sense Massage School who hold the Globally Recognized Certificates are given exclusive access to participate in the qualifiers for the Australian and international massage competitions as BSMS practitioners. This exclusive access showcases the school’s commitment to providing its graduates with unique opportunities and recognition within the massage community.
For more detailed information about the World Massage Federation (WMF) and the Globally Recognized Certificates offered by the Body Sense Massage School, please contact us at 1300910821 or email us at