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Intro To Trigger Point Therapy Certificate


This Massage Course covers types, causes, symptoms & management of the pain, contraindications, and the practical training program covers Neuro Muscular Technique (NMT), Deep tissue massage, and Treatment massage.

Prerequisites Requirements for Studying Trigger Point Therapy Course

Looking to pursue Trigger Point Therapy? Here are the prerequisites to join our course:

Option 1:
When you take the Certification of Massage Professional course, you’ll also dive into the “advanced Trigger Point Therapy course” as a crucial part of the program. The certificate will list all the modules and syllabuses on the back, with a brief summary on the front.

Option 2:
If you’ve completed the Whole Body Massage Certificate at Body Sense Massage School, you’re eligible to enroll in our “Intro to Trigger Point Therapy Course”.

Please note that we only accept our own branded course certificates as a prerequisite not other school’s certificate. As a Registered Trademark®, we teach our own courses. Get ready to take your massage skills to new heights with us!

History of The Trigger Point Therapy
History of The Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Massage Therapy was found in 1942 by Dr. Jannet Travel private physician of American president John F. Kennedy in order to help the president get a longer presidential career. There are lots of similarities between Chinese Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy. Trigger point causes the pain and discomfort in any specific part of the body and results in the patient’s complaint. The pain refers to other muscle/s and bringing in muscle disturbances for one muscle or even elsewhere in the body. Through this therapy session, the students learn about the trigger point massage that activates the muscles and releases the knots and tensions, helping the patients to be energetic and more flexible. Strenuous workout or inactive lifestyle might lead to pain in different parts of the body, which can only be resolved with the trigger massage


Introduction to Trigger Point Therapy Certificate Class

The classes are divided into practical and short theoretical session, where the students can gain knowledge of the essential theory in Trigger Point as well as try the techniques on the patients. The theoretical training covers types, causes, symptoms & management of the pain, contraindications, and the practical training program covers Neuro Muscular Technique (NMT), Deep tissue massage, and Treatment massage. Throughout the session, the candidates learn using their elbow, forearm, fists, palms, knuckles, and thumbs to apply the pressure in the areas that are causing discomfort. The pressure reaches the deeper layers of the muscles, releasing the pain and activating the muscles. Certificates are bestowed to the pursuers right after the completion of the training program and can practice in this field. 


What will you learn on the last day of Certification of Massage Professional Course?

This course is combined Course 1 Relaxation and basic treatment techniques and Don’t & Does, Course 2 Trigger Point Therapy and Don’t & Does, Course 3 as follows;

  • Introduction to Trigger Point Therapy (TrP) & deep tissue massage 
  • Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy
  • Contraindications for Trigger Point Therapy
  • Types & causes of Trigger Points
  • Symptoms of Trigger Points
  • Essential questions need to be asked the patient 18 major muscles in basic body anatomy plus spine anatomy
  • Management of TrP pain syndromes
  • Neuromuscular Techniques (NMT)/ Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (TrP) for major muscles
  • Deep tissue massage Treatment of most of the major muscles problems, knee and leg pains, foot pain, Ankle pain, hand and arms problems (Eg. Tennis elbow, and etc), headaches, neck and shoulder pains and stiffness, sciatica problems, back and lower back pain, sports injuries (Eg. ITB for swimmers, runners common injuries, tennis elbow, and etc.), and longtime pains in the body, and etc. All via Trigger Point Therapy treatment techniques. (This Part included in our practical training).

Session 1/ NMT/ Trigger Point Therapy
A. Neuro Muscular Technique (NMT) for neck:
• Trapezius
• Lavator Scapulae

B. NMT for shoulder griddle:

• Rhomboids major & minor
• Supraspinatus
• Infraspinatus
• Deltoid

C. NMT for thigh
• Rectus Femoris
• Tensor Facia Latae (TFL)

D. NMT for leg
• Gastrocnemius
• Soleus
• Proneus muscles

E. NMT for back
• Erector spinae
• Quadrates Lumburoum (QL)

F. NMT for arm and forearm
• Biceps Brachii
• Triceps Brachii
• Brachioradialis
• Common extensors

G. NMT for chest
• Pectoralis major and minor

Session 2/ Deep tissue massage
A. Deep Tissue Techniques

Deep tissue techniques In this level, therapist learn deep techniques that are used to attack soreness in a deep layer of the muscle. It is used by using elbow, forearm, fists, palm, nuckles, and thumbs. The areas therapist practice in this session are as follow:

• Shoulders
• Back
• Thigh

Session 3/ Treatment massage
Treatment techniques for the major muscles problems, knee and leg pains, foot pain, Ankle pain, arms problems (Eg. Tennis elbow), headaches, neck and shoulder pains and stiffness, sciatica problems, back and lower back pain, sports injuries (Eg. ITB for swimmers, runners common injuries, tennis elbow, and etc.), and longtime pains in the body, and etc. via trigger points therapy. A book for this training session provided by BSMS. Also, this certificate recognised in both Australia and New Zealand. After successful completion of this course certificate awarded to you and you can practice in trigger point therapy field legally and professionally anywhere in Australia and New Zealand.

Course Fee

Normal Fee: $615
Option 1:
 Pay 40% of the total fee as booking fee equal $230, and you will pay the rest of the fee $345 twelve (12) days before the course commencement date by Direct Debit only – The rest of the fee will be deducted from your nominated credit card 12 days before the course commencement date.

Booking Details

Note: Please, remember by paying the booking fee you agree with the BSMS Terms & Conditions (T/C)!

Direct Enrollment and Pay Discounted Fee :  To avail discounted fee go to the enrollment page and enroll and pay directly.
EFTPOS: EFTPOS available for bookings over the phone by Debit/ and Credit Cards. Bank Transfer: Payment via Bank Account is available. The Bank Details are as follow:

Our Bank Account Details:

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank  Account Name: BODY SENSE MASSAGE SCHOOL PTY LTD  BSB: 06 3135  ACC: 1079 0177

Our money order details:

Body Sense Massage School, P.O. Box 2021 Oak Park Vic 3046.