Although promising research suggests that learning massage therapy from Massage School Melbourne can be a helpful adjunct therapy for patients suffering from this incapacitating condition, migraine is not a condition that can be cured.
A small number of substantial research studies (high-level clinical trials) have demonstrated the value of massage therapy for migraine sufferers by lowering migraine frequency and reducing pain. The additional advantage of learning from Massage School Melbourne and applying massage is that it is a non-drug treatment that may have holistic advantages on various levels.
Regular massage therapy can help reduce stress levels, which in turn lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels. So, enrolling for massage classes Melbourne is highly beneficial. This reduces anxiety. In addition, massage treatment can raise serotonin levels, which are known to lessen pain sensitivity, enhance sleep, lower stress levels, and improve daily life coping.
Recognising Migraine
Migraine is a painful condition that is frequently brought on by lack of sleep and stress. A person with migraine experiences repeated moderate to severe headaches, as well as a number of autonomic nervous system symptoms. You also can join the Body Sense Massage School’ massage training Melbourne; we have course for this as well.
Why Do Some People Have Headaches?
Currently, it is thought that a combination of hereditary and environmental factors contributes to migraine. In actuality, families are involved in about two thirds of cases. Before puberty, boys are estimated to get headaches a little more frequently than girls, and after that, women experience migraines roughly two to three times more frequently than men.
Treatments For Migraine
People frequently receive simple pain relievers like anti-inflammatories and paracetamol, as well as nausea medication. They are also trained to explore lifestyle factors to manage the disease and avoid triggers. It is also advised that patients re-evaluate their sleeping patterns, eat healthily, and make sure they control their stress levels, including engaging in daily relaxation activities. Because of this, alternative therapies like learning massage from Massage School Melbourne and applying it can be quite beneficial.