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London Courses (Kevin Healing Massage)

Short Massage Courses London-Kevin Healing Massage



The Diploma of Whole Body Massage Course is KAVEH/KEVIN Healing Massage (HEALING METHOD OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE). It is a Unique, Incredible, and a Fun massage training London. It is combinations of various massage styles such as basic Swedish Massage, Basic Remedial, Basic Lomi Lomi, and treatment techniques by focusing on the energy to make the muscles relaxed. Also, this interesting Diploma course is a mixture of the amazing Trigger Point Therapy and Deep Tissue modules and Sports Massage Therapy module, which take the therapist to adventure on the different aspects of the massage therapy. The KEVIN Healing Massage posture is similar as Tai chi postures in order to practice in safely manner and preventing some important injuries such as back and leg injuries. KEVIN Healing Massage makes the therapist feel massaging the patient rather than a just duty! We will learn massaging from our heart, and not just a duty. So, the patient will feel amazing. This course will make you a specialized massage therapist in different aspects of massage and you will achieve it with KEVIN Healing Massage which only teaches at the Body Sense Massage School campuses throughout the world and not in other schools and massage training centres.

MODULE 1: Whole Body Massage

Day 1: Back Of The Body Massage 9:00am-5:00pm (Lunch break 12:00pm-12:40pm)

Theory (3 hrs): Massage & Essential Points:

  2. Contraindications for massage therapy, signs of them, managing of them, and case studies
  3. Hygiene & safety in massage therapy for both therapist and clinic
  4. Occupational Health & Safety (OH & S) in massage therapy
  5. Endangerment areas in human body
  6. “How to assess the client/ patient & make a right massage treatment plan due to patient’s medical conditions”
  7. “16” Major muscles
  8. Spine Anatomy
  9. Theory of the Kaveh massage

Practical Training of Module 1 :

  • Practical session is the main part of the program in order to get the highest quality of hands-on. In this part therapists learn a combination of massage techniques such as basic effleurage, basic petrissage & tapotement techniques, basic remedial techniques, basic deep tissue massage, and basic Lomi Lomi as a part of KAVIN HEALING STYLE MASSAGE and performing them on the back of the body step by step, and then combines them to practice the first part of the whole body massage again and again to gain more experience and confidence. The therapist learns a healing method of massage in order to take the negative energy out of the body to make the muscles relaxed. The massage therapists also learn basic treatment massage for headache, migraine, & sciatica problems and lower back pain as well. In the day 1 during the practical training we will also work on the therapist posture in order to practice massage in a safely manner in the future. Massage Treatment Techniques And Sequences for Back of The Body Following By: Whole back massage & procedure of professional draping:
    • Neck & shoulders
    • Back massage (middle back & lower back)
    • Buttock (Gluteal muscles)
    • Back of thigh
    • Back of leg
    • Basic treatment massage for headache, migraine, sciatica problems, and lower back pain

Day 2: Front Of The Body Massage 9:00am-5:00pm (Lunch break 12:00pm-12:40pm)

Continuing Practical Training of Module 1/ 9:00am-12:pm : Massage Treatment Techniques and Sequences for Front of the Body Following By: Front of the body massage & procedure of professional draping:

  1. Chest massage
  2. Abdomen (Abdominal relaxation massage in 5 steps, and Abdominal constipation massage in 8 steps)
  3. Arm, forearm & hands (front and back of arm, forearm, & hands)
  4. Front of thigh & leg
  5. Foot massage (Reflexology)
  6. Head massage
  7. Facial massage
  8. Basic therapeutic stretching techniques for shoulder stiffness, sciatica problems, Hamstrings soreness

Combined Whole Back and Whole Front Practical

Day 3: Trigger Point Therapy 9:00am-5:00pm (Lunch break 12:00pm-12:40pm)

Trigger Point Therapy was found in 1942 by Dr Jannet Travel private physician of American president John F. Kennedy in order to help the president get a longer presidential career. There are lots of similarities between Chinese Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy. Trigger point causes the pain and discomfort in any specific part of the body and results in the patient’s complaint. The pain refers to other muscle/s and bringing in muscle disturbances for one muscle or even elsewhere in the body. Via this course Therapist can treat most of the major muscle problems, long time pain in the body, such as knee and leg pains, foot pain, Ankle pain, headaches, neck and shoulder pains and stiffness, frozen shoulder, sciatica problems, lower back pain, sports injury, and etc. in the body that even examination doesn’t show them. THIS MODULE MAKES YOU AN UP SKILL MASSAGE THERAPIST. Skill and knowledge in Trigger Point Therapy open the success doors for every therapist. You can trust us!

Theory: (1.5 Hrs) Introduction to Trigger Point Therapy (TrP) & deep tissue massage:

Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy

  1. Contraindications for Trigger Point Therapy
  2. Types & cusses of Trigger Points
  3. Symptoms of Trigger Points
  4. Management of TrP pain syndromes
  5. Neuromuscular Techniques (NMT)/ Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (TrP) for major muscles/ Deep tissue massage
  6. Treatment of most of the major muscles problems, long time pain in the body; knee and leg pains, foot pain, Ankle pain, hand and arms problems (Eg. Tennis elbow, and etc), neck and shoulder pains and stiffness, sciatica problems, back and lower back pain, sports injuries (Eg. ITB for swimmers, runners common injuries, tennis elbow, and etc.), and etc. All via Trigger Point Therapy treatment techniques.


NMT for neck:
Lavator Scapulae

NMT for shoulder griddle:
Rhomboids major & minor

NMT for back:
Erector spinae
Quadrates Lumburoum (QL)

NMT for buttock:
Gluteus Maximus
NMT for back of thigh:

NMT for back of leg:

NMT for chest:
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor

NMT for front of thigh:
Rectus Femoris
Tensor Facia Latae (TFL)
Proneus muscles

NMT for arm and forearm:
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Common extensors
Common Flexors
Advanced Trigger point/ NMT techniques for:
Serratus Anterior
Quadratus Lumborum (QL) (advanced)
Lattisimus Dorsi
Teres Minor
Teres Major


MODULE 3: Sports Massage Therapy

Day 4: Sport Massage Therapy 9:00am-5:00pm (Lunch break 12:00pm-12:40pm)

Theory: (1 Hr)

Sport massage therapy (Theory): Usage of fomentation, Contraindications for fomentation, Benefits of fomentation, Usage of cryotherapy, Contraindications for cryotherapy, Benefits of cryotherapy, Endangerments areas & cryotherapy, Most common injuries & Contusions

Practical Training of Sport Massage/ Module 3:

The Practical session: Start 1:40pm- 5:00pm. In practical training therapists learning 34 passive and active stretching techniques in sport massage therapy for 17 major muscles. The trainer practice with them to gain more experience and confidence. Trainer support and promote them through the course.

    • Trapezius muscle (1 muscle)
    • Lavator scapulae (1)
    • Teres major (1)
    • Infraspinatus and Teres minor (2 muscles)
    • Rhomboid major & minor (2 muscles)
    • Triceps brachii (1)
    • Biceps brachii (1)
    • Forearm flexors (1)
    • Forearm extensors (1)
    • QL (1)
    • Gluteus Maximus (1)
    • Hamstring origin (1)
    • Gastrocnemius (1)
    • Rectus Femoris (1)
    • Latissimus Dorsi (1)

Day 5: Review of module 1, 2, and 3 at 9:00am-4:00pm (Lunch break 12:00pm-12:40pm), Massage Business/Setting Up 4pm-5pm


Module 1, Module 2, Module 3 Massage Business essential point such as, knowledge of the UK massage industry, setting up the business and ethic, business improvement, massage qualification. BSMS will provide you a book which we will study and practice together in 5 days massage courses in London. After completion of this massage course , you can join the UK professional association CMA. Also, you can apply for the Public Liability Insurance of the CMA partner. Start practicing straight after the completion of Massage Training London.