0800101877 (NZ)
08001357005 (UK)
1300910821 (AU)
After Completion of the Courses with the Body Sense Massage School, they can practice Australia wide and they become eligible for the Professional Membership of the Australian Professional Body, the World Association for Complementary Practitioner (WAFCP) and the Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance of the BizCover through the WAFCP in order to practice in professional manner.
There are many of them! Every association and professional body has its own rules and policy! All of them have their own members and they are only ruling their own members and not the whole industry practitioners.
As far as a professional body providing you the membership and insurance, you can practice as a massage therapist and start earning.
You are committed to follow your association’s rules only! There are some schools that they may tell you that in order to be able to practice professionally, you need to be member in this or that association! It’s 100% wrong! It is the way to play with the words in order to make business only! When you become the member of the WAFCP, you will become eligible to apply and gain your membership and insurance through the WAFCP and can start your practice professionally.
No. The association and professional bodies can not do that!
Only courses that are accredited or endorsed by the Australian government permitted to use the term “Nationally Recognised”.
There are some short courses in the industry that claim to be a nationally recognised course by some specific association or body!
Note: the associations and professional bodies can’t make the course provider to become eligible to use the term “Nationally Recognised”
However, after completion of the short massage course you can practice Australia wide due to the deregulation of the industry, but no short course provider can use the term “Nationally Recognised”!
For more details regarding the term “Nationally Recognised Program” you can Google the;
“VOCED Nationally Recognised Training”.
The Body Sense Massage School is an Australian based learning institution that has brought forth short and unique pathway weekend massage courses.
Body Sense Massage School PTY LTD.
1300910821(AU), 0800101877 (NZ), 08001357005(UK)
ABN : 71 315 836 008
ABN : 74 433 558 991